Rocket Fizz

Rocket Fizz is a soda and candy shop that has more flavors of soda and candy than I have ever seen.

This is me standing by a few of the sodas on the "Soda Wall of Fame."

Here is the whole wall!  They have even more flavors than this!!!

Here is some more candy and some more flavors of soda.  There is also a cooler if you want to drink a cold soda right away.

They have dozens of flavors of taffy as well. 

I like cookies and cookie dough, but I don't know if that would be a very good flavor for a soda.

There are some even stranger flavors like Martian Soda and Martian Poop Soda.  Uncle Randy tried the Martian Soda.  He said that if that was how Martians tasted, then they were safe from getting eaten by wild animals.